Are you looking to earn more by becoming a mortgage agent? Then , you must determine how to create more leads. Today, we will examine five strategies that can aid you in doing just what you want to do.
Are you ready to take your company to the next to the next by mortgage lead generation .
Why You Must First Create a Super Valuable Lead Magnet
It’s essential to know the difference between a potential client and someone who is a genuine lead
- Potential customers are a person that is part of your targeted group of customers.
- An lead can be described as a possible customer who has provided you with their contact information so you could reach them to them.
When we speak about lead generation we’re not talking about making more people interested in your offerings, we are talking about turning prospects into customers by convincing them to supply you with their contact information.
In the case of online marketing, it’s about convincing them to provide you with your email addresses. How do you accomplish this?

Here’s the truth about Mortgage Brokers:
People will not provide you with your email addresses, unless they offer them something SUPER AFFORDABLE in return.
That’s the point where your lead magnet is the key to success. It’s a complimentary offer you give to potential clients in return for email addresses.
It could be anything they could save to their gadget, or connect online:
- A report.
- An ebook.
- A masterclass.
- A video course.
- An email course.
- A webinar.
- A mobile app.
What is important is that:
- Your lead Mortgage Brokers provides the solution to a problem your prospective customer is facing.
- This is just one of the issues you have to address as an mortgage broker.
Consider asking yourself what issues are you seeing pop up repeatedly when dealing with those who are looking to obtain a Mortgage Brokers
- What are the things that people should be aware of prior to applying for mortgages?
- What are the benefits and drawbacks of applying directly versus through a broker?
- What are the most common myths regarding getting a mortgage?
- What are the most common errors when applying for a mortgage?
- What can one do to improve the chances of receiving a mortgage?
Choose the problem that comes to mind the most often, and present a cost-free solution to the problem in a form that is most logical.
“But why would people hire me if I give all this information away for free?” you may wonder.
When they see how complex the process of deciding on the best mortgage for them and actually obtaining it and they’ll be compelled to think about employing an expert mortgage broker.
Guess who is the first name that pops up into their thoughts?
That’s right.
Therefore, go that extra mile to develop a high-value lead magnet that is more than the clients’ expectations.
It’s the basis of not just your strategy for lead generation, but the whole sales funnel.
Mortgage Brokers Strategy #1: Promote Your Lead Magnet Landing Page on Facebook.
We consider that the most simple method of generating leads would be to
- Create a landing page to serve as the lead-generating magnet. It can be thought of as an “sales page” for your freebie. Why should people sign up for it? The landing page for your lead magnet gives you the chance to communicate the value you offer.
It doesn’t need to be a complex copywriting masterwork, either. Start with a simple squeeze webpage with the headline, an opt-in page and a call-to action button. It is possible to add additional content, social proof and so on. later in order to be more convincing. - Utilize Facebook ads to bring users to the landing page. Start by building backlinks for this page’s content. A backlink is an link from a different website to your own. It is believed to be the primary ranking factor. The more backlinks your site generally and this particular piece of content specifically, have the higher chance to rank for your target key phrase. Take a look at your current customers. What characteristics do they share in common? Mortgage Brokers. Make use of this information to target similar individuals using your Facebook advertisements. Start with a modest daily budget, and then begin slowly increasing it after you’ve figured out the best way to manage ads.
Lead Generation Strategy #2: Provide Mortgage Advice on YouTube.
YouTube is one of the largest and most used video hosting site in the world with more than 2.2 billion users around the world. Why not take advantage of the huge user base?
The method of creating leads via YouTube is easy:
Utilize YouTube’s YouTube Search function in order to locate the most popular search terms. Enter a relevant search phrase and then look through suggested search terms. These are the most searched-for words that relate to that search phrase. Mortgage Brokers.
Remember how relevant the lead-in magnet you choose to use to your video you’re promoting the more likely people who watch it will take a look.
Build a Niche Mortgage Advice Website as your third lead generation strategy.
Do you want to receive results from Google?
You can accomplish this by making a unique mortgage advice site that is specifically designed for your intended group of customers (first-time purchasers, investors in property for example. ).
It boils down to three points:
- The creation of SEO-friendly content. It is content that has been created so that it ranks for a certain search term on Google’s first results for searches. The most important thing is to select a keyword that you believe your ideal clients are seeking, then you create the content superior to anything that’s currently ranking for that particular keyword.
- Making backlinks for that content. A backlink is a hyperlink from a different website to your site. It is believed to be the primary ranking factor. The more backlinks your site all over and the article, particularly, has, the higher chance to rank for your target search term.
In this way, you’ll not only receive natural traffic through Google but you can also transform the traffic into leads.

Attend Local Industry Events as a Lead Generation Strategy #4
You could also create leads using the old-fashioned method by establishing a name in your local area.
Of course, the best method to achieve this is to please your clients so that they are more likely to recommend your business to their family and friends.
But, you can accelerate your process of creating an impression by attending local events, such as real estate meetings and real estate conferences and so on.
It is important that you go to these events and not to gain value, but to create value
Speak to people. Pay attention to what they say. Engage them in a genuine way. Offer them advice free of charge whenever you are able to. Be a sincere and helpful person.
Lead Generation Strategy #5: Write a Mortgage Book
This is a much more sophisticated lead generation method because the lead generation process requires:
- Create an article.
- Market it.
- Rank it on Amazon.
It is important to choose an area that is relevant to your area of expertise (e.g. “How to Get a Mortgage As a First-Time Buyer”) Then, you must read the books that cover the same subject, and determine how you can enhance your writing.
One of the best ways to comprehend what the other books are missing is to read reviews from customers and then look for any issues that are mentioned repeatedly.
You’ll need to develop an outline that is detailed then set aside time writing every week, and then begin writing your book. You may want to employ an editor if you’ve not written a book in the past.
Want to Learn How to Convert Those Leads Into Customers?
Follow the guidelines given in the article, and you’ll have more leads than ever before.
But just generating leads isn’t enough. It is essential to make them pay and eventually into regular customers. This is what sales funnels are about.
The 5 Days Challenge will demonstrate exactly how to integrate them into your company.