The digital marketing services market size is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 22.01% during the period 2016-2020. Global spending on digital marketing services has been dominated by North America and Europe, followed by the Asia Pacific and Latin America, with the global revenue from these markets accounting for 62.1%, 45.2%, and 9.9% respectively in 2017.
Digital marketing services include all activities that help businesses acquire new customers. It increases your customer through online channels including paid advertising campaigns on digital platforms. Mixx can be one of the good social service providers, if you have an Instagram account. They can grow their audience through social media outlets like Facebook, sponsored search results in search engines like Google or Bing, and email newsletters among others.
How To Use Digital Marketing For Business To Dominate The Market
The world is now INCREDIBLY crowded for business owners and competition is rising by the day, no matter the niche your company belongs. The new Era for businesses has begun thanks to technology taking over, which has been putting small businesses in front of more eyeballs while creating fear and despair in the hearts of many big brands that always had market share but are now completely lost in how to play the game.
Thanks to the aggressive evolution of Technology, Marketing is now one of the main areas that completely changed, forcing CEOs to make bold claims such as that “Marketing needs to be rethought from scratch”, along with other impacted industries as well. And no, my friend. Saying such strong words is not overreacting today. Definitely not.
Because they’re all right. Businesses do need to adapt. And VERY fast.
Because Marketing is now entering into a whole another level of complexity, embracing the use of emerging technologies like Machine Learning to maximize precision and personalization, creating an insane world of possible scenarios to explore to deliver a simple marketing message. Those who still think as Marketing as a “creative job” REALLY need to read, see and check what is coming next. And I’m not even mentioning the Mind-control Power of Neuromarketing that is starting to invade the web.
So here’s the deal.
You CANNOT market your company like you did 10 or 20 years ago. Not even 3 years ago. Doesn’t work anymore. Forget it. Not in a marketplace where everybody has a mobile phone, pay their bills on it, buy all kinds of things on it, catch Pokemon on it, use social media until depression kicks in and asks Google the strangest things that even the best marketers couldn’t have imagined themselves.
Forget the old market and aim for the next.
Because now the business world is almost 100% digital. That’s the future of almost ALL businesses. Your brand, for example, is also digital whether you like it or not. Because you can bet that Millenials will instantly think you already are online. They’ll search for you online. They will try to find fingerprints of your brand online.
So if your company’s website nowadays is not optimized for Google, if you cannot be found and if you don’t dominate the areas where your customers are spending their hours online, then you’re very close to a breakdown. Seriously. Because if the best and oldest entrepreneurs are playing by the new rules of the game and hiring smart people who master the new Marketing, then why would you assume this is something you should ignore?
Do you think this Digital Marketing thing is all about Facebook Ads? Google Ads? A simple website? Spend some dollars and that’s it? Well, you’re definitely mistaken and I’ll show you why and how serious this is to succeed nowadays.
Here’s what I’ll cover:
The Power of SEO
The Power of Social Media
The Power of Content Marketing
The Power of Copywriting
The Power of Marketing + New Technology
Time to show you how powerful digital marketing really is.
You already know that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. You also probably know that this is key to Google finding your brand online faster. But how much importance should you actually give to this marketing area? The answer is simple: VERY. For example, in Europe alone, 2/3 of website visits were driven by Search and Email with the remaining 1/3 coming from direct visits (direct visits = the user typed the website’s name in the browser). This means that traffic from search engines are far more important than any other online source because people when they’re about to buy something, they search for it online. Makes sense? Why do you think B2B and B2C businesses say that SEO resulted in Top Lead generation? Why do you think global marketers give high ROI to it and sell it hard to you these days? Why do you think you use it so much when you want to hire a new company?
Because it is the new, most powerful business channel today.
Search engine traffic can literally CURE bankrupt businesses overnight thanks to the massive amount of customers it can send to one’s business.
Don’t believe my words?
That’s ok. Just give me 30 seconds so I can give you some practical market information to open your mind. The following info below is only covering Google, by the way:
2 TRILLION+ SEARCHES PER YEAR — Google now handles 2 TRILLION searches per year (2016), which means a massive number of searches per second of 63,000. That’s MASSIVE traffic don’t you think? Follow my lead: One second, 63,000. Two seconds, 126,000. Three seconds 189,000. Nine seconds 576,000. Ten seconds… 630,000 searches were made. Impressive.
MOBILE SEARCHES ARE DOMINATING — From all those searches made, more than HALF of Google searches now come from Mobile, which means that many brands are missing out that huge share of the market and losing leads and sales because they’re missing SEO upgrades that can put them in front of these customers. People use mobile phones for everything now, especially to do research of a brand online while they’re walking or waiting on the line because time is short these days. Mobile is taking over traffic. Why do you think Google did this crucial change?
GOOGLE HAS NOW ALMOST 80% MARKET SHARE GLOBALLY — There are other players in the field competing with Google like Yandex (Russia’s favorite search engine), Bing (Microsoft’s search engine), Yahoo among others. But Google alone has now reached the mark of 80% market share dominating everyone else and allowing businesses to focus only on one player (Google) to maximize revenue and brand awareness. You just have to know what to do and how to play.
So why did I gave you all these statistics?
Just so you can realize HOW MUCH MARKET you can reach just by improving your SEO.