There are numerous facts about newborn health, and trying to know at least a few of them before you deliver will immensely provide you with confidence-wise decisions to make at the right moments. Here are 3 essential facts out of many that you may need to know to take care of the health of your newborn:
Birth Injury
During labor, a collarbone of the baby may be broken, but in most cases, new bone forms within the first few weeks, and the spot of bone formation may show a lump and this is curable. But in some babies, the condition may persist that require treatment by a pediatrician. Another birth injury is muscle weakness, and the reason is pressure or stretching during labor. One side of the face may suffer from muscle weakness. Ask your pediatrician for tips on how to hold and nurse to make healing faster. As the treatment of birth injury is now very available, it will be a matter of great sorrow if babies have a birth injury. Neonatal birth trauma or birth injury in babies includes various kinds of injury ranging from broken bones to nerve damage. Sometimes, some injuries may be inevitable as part of the life-saving procedure.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is an intensive care unit (ICU) designed for the treatment and care of premature or seriously sick newborn babies. Another name of this unit is intensive care nursery (ICN). This is a highly specialized area in the hospital for babies. If you are for the first time here seeing your baby, this may frustrate you. But, there is no better place for him/her than this, and trying to understand the ways of its functioning will help you a lot to accept the entire situation mentally and emotionally. Neonatal means newborns aged within their first 28 days of life, and such type of special nurseries or intensive care has been operating since the 1960s.
Neonatologists direct a neonatal intensive care unit with the help of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, dieticians, and other specialists of related disciplines. However specialized a neonatal intensive care unit is, the parents and family of a baby in it always remain in tension. However, if you are going through maternidad subrogada or surrogacy parenthood your agency will everything for you.
Special Care Nursery (SCN)
You may need to put your baby in a Special Care Nursery (SCN) after his/her birth for several reasons, such as if they need extra care from specially trained staff despite having no problem with breathing and body temperature. An SCN and a NICU are two different things. If your baby is in SCN, he/she is healthier than the babies in NICU who are passing their time of critical condition. They will also guide you to feed your baby until the baby’s health is completely okay enough to take to home. If you had a premature birth and if your baby now requires extra care or if he/she has a low birth weight, the baby may need to admit to a special care nursery. Again, in case your baby has got released from a neonatal intensive care unit after the expected improvement in health, or if your baby has health issues such as jaundice, temporary breathing concerns, and low blood sugar, SCN may help. You can discuss with your pediatrician, midwife, a maternal-child health nurse, or other staff in a special care nursery for any related help and support.
When you will know a few essential facts about the newborn health, such as birth injury, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and Special Care Nursery (SCN), you will hopefully gain confidence to cope with taking care of your newborn. In this way, if you can manage to know more facts gradually, that will surely help to make wise decisions about the health of your newborn.