Most pharmacies have a PCAT test, but some pharmacies may not be. Also, if you are an international student, you may need to take the TOEFL exam.
Pharmacy schools that do not require PCAT:
California North State
California -San Diego
California -San Francisco
Massachusetts Pharmacy and Health Science University –Boston MA
Massachusetts University Pharmacy and Health Science -Manchester NH
Massachusetts Pharmacy and Health Science University –Wororca MA
Oregon State University
Pacific University
University of Padhu
South California University
Washington State University
The subjects tested in the PCAT test are as follows.
Oral ability
Reading comprehension
Quantitative ability
Problem solving (writing)
Language customs (writing)
First, we will conduct a survey on the PCAT book. Amazon lists user reviews to a PCAT book worth considering. For example, in the case of Kaplan PCat from 2010 to 2011, chemistry and biology are powerful. Since each has its own advantages and drawbacks, it is strongly recommended that you select and select some PCAT books. Other options include an Audiolearn PCAT CD set, which allows you to listen to ingredients during driving, lying at home, or from your computer.
After reading the “lecture” part of the book, we will conduct as many practice exams as possible. Many questions can be repeated in PCAT, and setting the time limit in the practice test will prepare for the time constraints during the actual P CAT test.
Planning a pharmacy school prerequisite course in a way to complete a more severe science course near the PCAT test date can help keep the information fresh. But I don’t want to be in the middle of the semester of organic chemistry before taking PCAT.
For many students, there may have been a long time since sitting on Lecutre, so there are other resources that can be prepared for PCAT. There are some online resources such as encyclopedia, videos, and other articles to refresh the relevant topic. For example, you can search for videos on YouTube to remind you of how chemical bonds occur in chemistry. You can also buy textbooks of slightly old editions to significantly discount sites such as Half (old biology books cost less than $ 5).
In writing sections, practicing a well -organized complete essay is your greatest concern. You can find the topic of the old PCATS essay online. Alternatively, you can practice from completely random prompts to writing practice. You can do well in the writing section by clearly defined, papers, three support body paragraphs, and conclusions.
PCAT course survey is expensive ($ 1000 to $ 1500). Therefore, it is recommended only if you have a hard time learning materials. For some people, these courses were very useful, but please conduct a survey before checking these companies.
Pcat test tips:
*Practice, practice, practice!
*If it does not work for the first time, you can retry the PCAT exam. As others have said in the forum, you seem to just try to increase the exam up to 2-3 times.
*Solid GPAs with excellent PCAT scores (eg,> 70 % percentile) are usually accepted by most pharmacies in the United States. The side of the GPA of the application. Check the user profile on and search to see who was accepted and on and on.
*Take sufficient rest, eat well -feeded meals, and arrive early on the PCAT exam.
I am a student at a pharmacy at South California University. As an applicant (re -applicant), he was accepted after two years of experience, so he gained a lot of resources and knowledge about the mechanism of the application process. I am enjoying technology and others support the enrollment process. My friend and I have created a pharmacy school [] Entrance statistical database, Degree) In all pharmacies schools in the United States. Other resources include application guides, articles on the entrance process, recommended pre -breeding products, tuition/dual degree, etc.