The prestigious Cisco CCNA certification will be even more famous in the second half of this year -and more difficult from all accounts! The current 640-801 exams will be gradually abolished on November 6, and candidates will have enough time to prepare for the exam. The new 640-802 test is actually introduced on August 1, providing options for CCNA candidates to take the test.
Of course, CCNA candidates have many questions about these changes. I was able to prepare this FAQ and answer the most common questions to arrive at the e -mail receiving tray. If you can’t answer your question here, please send me, and your question may be in the next FAQ!
Q: Should I stop studying for the 640-801 exam?
A: It’s absolutely not. In fact, this should help you accelerate your efforts! Cisco is so kind enough to maintain the current exam until November 6, so there is enough time to pass the current version. I am also convinced that 640-802 research tools will be available immediately, but there are no wide choices until the latter half of this year. Do not delay your career advances and study -hitting those books and passing 640-801!
In my personal memo, I took the Cisco certification test for almost 10 years and took an exam from other vendors for about 14 years, but I never took a new test. However, some people like to do so, but that is all a personal preference.
Q. What do you hear about this is provided by another Cisco certification?
A. Cisco no longer regards CCNA as an entry -level test. I think it’s a great change. I personally taught and wrote CCNA materials for several years, but I didn’t think CCNA was an entry level. In the case of troubleshooting OSPF virtual links, we are not working at the entry level!
Cisco has developed CCENT (Cisco Certified Entery Networking Technician) certification to recognize the need for entry -level certification. In the future article, we will explain the details, but there is no need to get CCENT to become CCNA.
Q. Is there still one path and two execution paths to CCNA?
A. Yes, and again, I think it’s more difficult to earn in either method. If you select two paths, you will actually adopt two ICND exams (ICND 1 (640-822) and ICND 2 (640-816)). The current CCNA path intro test will be gradually abolished on November 6, along with the current ICND and CCNA exams. If you select two execution paths, pass the ICND 1 exam, you will be CCENT.
Q. Which topic will be deleted when the 640-801 exam is dropped?
A. Following the trends of other Cisco exams, the 640-802 test is not tested on ISDN. This is the only main topic seen so far.
Q. Which topic will be added?
A. Those *lot *. According to Cisco’s CCNA Exam Blueprint, questions about Voice Over IP, Wireless, Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), SSH, and Wireless Security are expected to be displayed. This is an educational speculation, but I hope that it will be more likely to switch routers and security.
Judging from the list, we expect the 640-802 CCNA test to be even more difficult than the current version. As I said, you have enough time to pass the current version! ๐
Have you answered your question here? If you send CCNA questions to [email protected], you can see that the following CCNA certified FAQ is answered.
CCIE # 12933’s CHRIS BRYANT is the owner of Bryant Advantage, the home of the free Cisco CCNP certification and CCNA certification test tutorial, Ultimate CCNA Study Package, and Ultimate CCNP Study PackageS.
You can also access his blog, which is updated several times a day with new Cisco certified articles, free tutorials, and daily CCNA / CCNP exam questions.
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